CG Today : What all the tools (Software & Hardware) you use to achieve your creative needs on day to day requirements?

Sinu : I do art both traditionally and digitally. Traditionally, I use a lot of pencils, inks, acrylics, water colors, and markers. For digital paintings, I use software's like Photoshop, Sketchbook Pro and Artrage. Hardware used is my Wacom tablet.



CG Today : Considering the skills you have, which ones do you consider to be the biggest asset for securing clients?

Sinu : My clients usually approach me for character designs, visual layouts, storyboarding, illustration, and sequential art. So I guess all these are my biggest assets.

CG Today : Who is your typical client at the moment? What kinds of characters / storyboard have they asked you to develop?

Sinu : I am currently working for Fatballoon Animation Studios based in Chennai and Malaysia. The project is an animated TV series aimed for the European market. I am in charge of all the character designs, concept art and visual layouts. I also help in storyboarding. There are lots of exciting characters to design, both animals and humans. I was asked to do completely fresh, stylized and unique designs. So it has given me a great opportunity to push my creative skills. So far, it looks good!



CG Today : What projects are you working on now? (If you can share with us)

Sinu : As said earlier, I work on an animated TV series by Fatballoon Animation Studios. I am also working on a graphic novel called ‘Silent Symphonies’ along with my colleagues Kishore Mohan and Roshan, which may release by the beginning of next year.

CG Today : That's impressive, what do you find most challenging in your daily work?

Sinu : There are some projects which come with tight deadlines and hence delivering the best quality in a limited time is the most challenging work for me. It helps me to think fast, plan quick, and improve efficiency without affecting the quality of the outcome.

CG Today : What advice would you give to students/professionals who want to pursue a career as a freelancer?

Sinu : I am bad with advices. But I think before anyone goes to pursue a freelance career, they must study the industry, get the basics right and keep practicing art on a daily basis. This will really help your art to improve faster than you think. And lastly, don’t give up on your dreams ever! Be passionate and keep pushing your limits further.

CG Today : Sinu, thank you very much for taking the time to talk with us here at CG Today - Your News Channel. Once and for all, do you have anything you would like to share with CG Today readers?

Sinu : Thank you again for having me. And as for the CG Today readers, my message is simple – Follow your heart and strive towards your goal with passion. Be in love with what you do and just keep doodling!!!


Sinu Chandrasenan - Freelancer

(Character designs, Visual layouts, Storyboard, Illustration, and sequential art)
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.


Mobile Number:

+91 9995140132

e-mail :
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