CG Today : As a production Manager, how do you fix a �Deadline�?
Muthu : To fix a deadline, we have to consider various factors like clients edit dates or dates for any prerequisite by the client, resources involved, man days, cost and inputs.
Once we know the client�s requirement dates, we target a date earlier to the client�s requirement so as to provide sufficient buffer just in case of any last minute contingencies.
Keeping this date in mind, we then deploy resources as per calculated man days and get the work done. While deploying resources, we must keep in mind that all artists do not perform the same. So Resource allocation must be done based on artist efficiency.
CG Today : What kind of production management / tracking tools you have been using; other than MS Office? Is there any specific software you�d suggest or recommend?
Muthu : I always use Open Office or at times MS Office. I do not use any other tool for production management purpose.
CG Today : What are the tasks you handle as an Animation / VFX production consultant?
Muthu : As an Animation / VFX production consultant, I am more of an agent between the clients and the company.
I keep looking around for shows that require attention and I provide them with the service of getting their work done from Various Production Houses or freelancers around the world. I get to provide these services...
Rotoscope, Keying, Match Move, VFX Compositing, 3D Modelling, Texturing and Rigging, 3D Animation, 3D Lighting, Matte Painting, Web site development and Production Management.
CG Today : Great, what advice would you give to students/professionals who want to pursue a career as a production manager in animation?
Muthu : In my experience I have seen artist slog day and night in their workstations to meet deadlines and I have also seen people who have delivered the same amount of work by working between 9 to 5 and 5 days a week. There is a vast gap to be filled and that�s where we need to play an important role in bridging this gap.
Pure focus, forecast, determination, preempting, meticulousness, diplomatic communication, firmness and last but not the least is Humility can make a good production manager.
CG Today : Thanks a lot for your time under your busy schedules Mr.Muthu, it�s been a learning experience.
Muthu : Thanks and Good luck.
Animation & VFX Production Consultant.
"LAM House", 104, 2nd Cross,
Royal County Layout, Parappana Agrahara,
Bangalore 560100
Mobile Number:
e-mail :
muthu_vfx [at] yahoo [dot] com