Paranoia Short Film

Chota Bheem is a 2D animated TV series produced by Green Gold Animation, Hyderabad along with Turner International, which is been telecasted on Pogo TV won under professional film category while Paranoia, a short film by  (Sandeepan Chanda, Sunil Kumar Yadav, Amrita Mukhopadhyay and Nitesh Mishra ) students of Toonskool (I-Nurture), Bangalore won under student film category (Animation).

RBS Media, Noida organized the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Fest-2011 on 30th April to mark the birth anniversary of “Father of Indian Cinema” late shri Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, popularly known as Dadasaheb Phalke. The one of its own kind festival screened films online and brought together short filmmakers from all over the world.

Director of the festival Mr. Rambhul Singh said “Dada Saheb Phalke’s contribution to Indian cinema is unparallel. Today Indian cinema is touching the sky in terms of both content & technology but we should remember that it was started by legendry Dada Saheb Phalke and we are just carrying it forward”. Festival director’s vision is to promote and encourage understanding of human values and culture of other nations through the art of cinema and to encourage new and fresh creative expressions, incisively exploring the fractures in our existence through movies, giving voice to the dispossessed and the marginalized.

The jury members of the festival were Mr. Ashish S.K ,CEO-Relaince Animation, Mr.Shashant Shah, Director of critically acclaimed movie Dasvidanya and Chalo Delhi and Mr.Anand Kumar, Director of movie Delhi Heights.

Praising the festival, Mr. Ashish S.K said, “Reliance Animation is very excited to be a part of Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival organized by RBS Media.”

The festival received a total of 67 entries from India & abroad mainly from Shangai, London & US based students, independent & professional filmmakers. Various media institutions like Whistling woods Mumbai, MAAC Vashi Road Mumbai, Toon Skool Bangalore, MAAC Indore, AAFT, MAAC Jayanagar and University of Westminster, London sent their entries. Participation of reputed Indian film companies like ‘Films Division’ & ‘Pritish Nandy Communications’ was also informed by festival Director Rambhul Singh.

In addition to all this, the fest received films from Spain based film marketing company ‘Promofest’ which mainly promotes films for film festivals.

Festival is organized online on and all the selected movies are broadcasted on the largest film & media market. Winners of other categories can be found on Educationexpo.