Kochi based Vibes Visual & Media Pvt Ltd announced the launch of India’s first Web TV “Indiavibes”. The new media platform will be inaugurated by renowned media personality Mr. Sashi Kumar on January 1, 2011 at Gold Souk Grande Kochi, near Vyttila at 4.30pm. There will be a panel discussion on Journalism, New Media and emerging trends. Eminent media critics will participate in the session.
Indiavibes creates content and programs of its own giving its users ultimate freedom to watch their choice of content. It caters to the nature and demands of internet spectators because ultimately their taste and priority will be the content.
“Web TV” concept has never been effectively tried in the market because the challenge of making visually appealing content to the general public is not an easy task. The backbone of this concept is the confidence; it can create visually appealing, quality content that has not been tried in any other medium in the market before. The team is backed up by people who have immense experience in terms of developing innovative concepts in the most challenging situations.
“We cover all categories including fashion, music, films, business, technology, blogging, lifestyle, current affairs and almost everything that this century and the years ahead would ever need. We are focused on targeting people and not celebrities. For Indiavibes, what is more important is reaching out to every individual. We are looking for setting up production hubs at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru to start with and then expand there to other Tier 1 & Tier II cities. The company has also planned to set up production hubs at UAE, US & UK. Our vision is to showcase the richness of India's entertainment culture to the world. We wish to make Indiavibes, as its name suggests, the one stop shop for all the entertainment for global audiences,” said Andrine Mendez, Founder, Vibes Visual & Media Pvt Ltd.
Public can access http://www.indiavibes.tv from January 1, 2011 onwards. For best user experience, they need to have at least 1 Mbps broadband speed though. Through 3G these can also be accessed using mobiles. The company is looking for partnerships with ISPs and broadband providers to ensure more data traffic. It also helps to reach people better.