Who deserves to get their ass kicked in 2010? The beat’em ups from the ‘90’s made those from the inner city out to be a dangerous population, and accordingly invited us to joyously kick their asses. Remember: How many hours did you spend on pummeling punks with their spiky green mohawks, prostitutes in fishnet stockings and red-haired thugs in classics like Streets of Rage or Final Fight? But today, zero tolerance and the state of the real estate market finally destroyed those formidable enemies that we spent our youth beating the crap out of. So what is left to do?
Today in 2010, who really deserves to get their ass kicked in a beat’em up?

With The Asskickers, AGŌ Games gives an answer to this question.

The white-collar threat

In 2010, the real menace to society is not the punk who’s going to steal grandma’s purse to pay for his next fix, but the unscrupulous banker who encourages his clients place their money in high-risk investments, just so that he’ll get his big year-end bonus.

The Asskickers targets this new “white-collar” menace, portrayed by:

* virresponsible traders who have destroyed jobs, pension plans and homes by losing billions in shady business deals
* greedy managers who played blind to these practices and who tried to hide the reality of the situation and its consequences from their clients
* crooked politicians who pretend to serve the greater good while supporting the massive lobbies which financed their campaigns
* Daddy’s little boys and girls who think that their social status and parents’ connections give them the right to do anything they like

Well, AGŌ Games has bad news for them and all those who play their game: The Asskickers are here to take names and kick some asses!

Who are The Asskickers?

From the imagination of Stanislas Berton, The Asskickers are three heroes linked by a common practice of martial arts, who will use their combat skills to defend their innocence and freedom by kicking the corrupted asses of all those who get in their way. With the help of these three heroes, you will be able to confront the white-collar menace and pay them back hit for hit in a game that literally pulls no punches and has its tongue firmly in cheek.

“Now, you know which asses you are going to kick!”

Beat’em up is back! The Asskickers will be available early 2011 for PC and Mac through digital distribution only

Discover our first gameplay video:

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