The new expansion for the PVP centric MMO goes liveNGD Studios, an independent game developer and publisher based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, announces the launch of the greatest expansion for its MMORPG, Regnum Online.
The second great expansion in the world of Regnum Online brings engaging gameplay and exciting realm based PVP action to continue the Regnum Online legacy. Now users will be able to gain experience up to level 60 and become a true Master of War.
Warmasters offers an expansion rich in content and packed with game-changing features including a level cap increase, the addition of a new PVP experience system, new master level skills and a re-vamped invasions system.
“Warmasters is the biggest expansion we made for Regnum since Invasions. This is the culmination of a complete revamp that was made to the whole game for the past 18 months. Gameplay, Graphics, almost every feature has been improved and now, we are giving our users the opportunity to become true leaders in the war” – said Andrés Chilkowski, Studio Director at NGD.
New features and additions:
Regnum Online Warmasters is live from February 21st 2011.
The Alsius Empire, the Syrtis Republic and the Brotherhood of Ignis are waiting for you. Only the true masters in the art of war will lead their realm to Victory!