"Making a living out of Media Skill Sets "

Yash ChavanYou have done it! Got the diploma and are a Filmmaker, Animator or a VFX specialist. What next? How do I get that job where experience is the word asked before my CV is shortlisted? How should I get my skills learnt at film, animation, VFX schools make a living for me?

Ok you choose to be an intern, or take up any job which comes your way to fill the gap. At the same time start using your newly acquired skills as a free lancer and you are on the road to experience.

A decade ago I was asked to produce 2d animation films for a US producer which were to be published on Discovery's online education video channel called www.unitedstreaming.com. They required animation in flash, but it should not be jerky- at that time flash was still not perfect. We created the animation in “After Effects" and exported broadcast quality files which got the client's approval. I gathered a team of 15 multimedia freelancers and within six months we had delivered sixteen films-70 minutes each on "phonetics" which are today broadcasted by the channel to all North American Schools.

The moral of above example is that if you have the will you can make your own films and be on the road to success .Today "Content is King" - within you there is a gold mine which needs to be creatively applied to horn your newly acquired skills.


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