Jeff Hangartner – Revealing the Path Less Travelled in Video Game Industry

Jeff HangartnerJeff Hangartner, the founder of the gaming start-up, Bulletproof Outlaws has been a professional developer of games over the last half a decade. Creator of Pixelation, the 1st Pixel Art Forum and also originator of the Pixel tutorials which have been published in the form of a book. Jeff has always been a pioneer of the gaming industry.

CG Today is proud to present Jeff’s exploration as he shares the whole process of creating a start-up right from day 1. With the belief that gaming development is coming back to its original “one programmer in the basement roots” idea, Bulletproof Outlaws is chronicling every step of its start-up process from strategies, to marketing, setting goals and outsourcing, successes and failures. The aim is to help other developers who have ideas but are intimidated by the whole start-up process and are not sure how to go about it.

You can visit his website Bulletproof Outlaws to know more about him or send an email to get connected.

So today I’m starting to re-do the background. I’m going to be modelling really basic 3d houses and then duplicating them around to create a city, and rendering them with cel-shading. Originally I was actually going to have multiple levels to the game, because having a new background, once the city was made, would just mean changing the camera angle and re-rendering, and there’d be cutscenes in-between each level. But while that’s not necessarily bad feature-creep because who doesn’t love more content/cutscenes, from a gameplay perspective I decided it would break up the flow of the style of game. Imagine if Canabult stopped every 10 seconds for a cutscene, you’d lose your rhythm and the game would have to either start again at a slow speed and ramp back up which would be boring, or it would have to resume at the fast speed you were going at after you’ve sat and watched a 10 second cutscene…it’d give you time to relax, but then throw you to the wolves as soon as the game started again.

So in the end I’m sticking with one background, though I’d like to throw in an intro/ending cutscene of some kind if I can get myself ahead of schedule a bit. Here’s a preview of the buildings:

Bulletproof Outlaws - Background

I’m pleased with ‘em so far! Though I’m probably going to use colored outlines instead of black so they don’t clash with the foreground too much.

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Bulletproof Outlaws Diary